Joyful Family Home

Burnaby, BC

In speaking with our client we learned of their love of travel, cooking, play and joy for life. We worked on multiple plans until we found the right one that would convert the inherited makeshift spaces into a home that would support their way of life. We designed the open-plan kitchen/dining/family and nook out of the old garage and the rest of the spaces were carved out of old offices and bathrooms - a night and day kind of result.

With every renovation there are constraints but, if you look hard enough, constraints can lead to opportunities such as the design of the Play Space at the heart of the home. A seemingly dead-end of a wide hall, the play space supports imagination and free-play while mom and dad can look in on the kids from multiple rooms. As we left the home, their little boy had built a fort from the floor cushions - perfect.

We designed the kitchen in two tones of off-white punctuated by wood-grained island and open shelves. The cooker is induction and will be well-used by this family - many design meetings were part design discussions and part recipe sharing! The family room is in a soft palette, supporting our client’s desire for tranquility in their otherwise busy lives and the nook is bathed in light, the perfect spot for tea (as you can see, Nicola and I enjoyed ourselves too!).


Contractor - Westward Projects

Photography - Janis Nicolay

Styling elements - Project Kalaa, Kate Metten Ceramics and select artwork by Krista Johnson


Guess Who's Coming to Brunch...?